Upwork Readiness Test for Independent Contractors and Company Managers Test Question & Answers
Upwork Readiness Test for Independent Contractors and Company Managers Test Question & Answers are really very important to pass UpWork (Formerly oDesk) test. You will gain first place at this skill test Exam. If you found any problem or wrong answer please inform me via contact or comments. We will try to solve it in short. This test is extremely valuable to acquire knowledge of this skill. Lets Start test.
Ques: What kind of profile image works best for attracting clients?
Ans: A picture of me smiling, because it's considered more trustworthy and pleasant.Ques: What kind of profile image works best for attracting clients?
Ques: What is one smart way to prove you're right for the job?
Ans: Offer to do a short, paid "test project" to show you have the necessary skills.
Ques: UpWork charges clients 10% of what they pay on your contract.
Ans: True
Ques: Which statement about the Team App is FALSE?
Ans: The Team App must be used for fixed-price contracts.
Ques: A good profile includes which of the following?
Ans: All of the above
Ques: What do you need to be successful on UpWork? HINT: Everything you need to know is in the Contractor Manual!
Ans: All of the above
Ques: Which of the following is TRUE about hourly jobs?
Ans: All of the above
Ques: Before you apply for a job, what questions should you ask yourself?
Ans: All of the above
Ques: What is the secret to being a highly successful freelancer on UpWork?
Ans: All of the above
Ques: Which of the following is TRUE about fixed-price jobs?
Ans: All of the above
Ques: oDesk charges a 10% fee on each contract.
Ans: True
Ques: What do you need to be successful on UpWork?
Ans: All of the above
HINT: Everything you need to know is in the Freelancer Manual
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