UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Kaizen Certification Test Question & Answers
UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Kaizen Certification Test Question & Answers are really very important to pass UpWork & Elance test. You will get top score at this skill test exam. If you found any problem or wrong answer please inform me via contact or comments. We will try to solve it in short. This test is extremely valuable to acquire knowledge of Kaizen Certification. Lets Start test.
Ques : The various kinds of Kanban include:
Ans : Supplier Kanban
In-Factory Kanban
Customer Kanban
Ques : What does the 80/20 principle state?
Ans : 80% of the results are produced from 20% of the efforts
80% of the business defects are caused by only 20% of the errors
Ques : A process decision program chart should be prepared before implementing any plan especially when:
Ans : the proposed plan has to be finished on schedule
there is high cost of failure
Ques : Which of these are the two main functions of Kaizen that an organization has to perform apart from the other goals like removal of waste and quality management?
Ans : Cutting down on the workforce
Ques : ________works well where short term changes and individual cultures need a modification.
Ans : Kaizen
Ques : Which of these is an intensive approach to carry out improvements in the process?
Ans : Kaizen event
Ques : Which among the following is created in the following manner?
1.First, decide the importance of each criterion, assign numerical weights.
2.Then rate each option according to the intensity of the correlation with the criteria or according to how well it meets the criterion.
3. Finally, combine all ratings for a final ranking of the options numerically.
Ans : Prioritization matrix
Ques : ________is a tool used for establishing a correlation between two sets of variables.
Ans : A scatter diagram
Ques : State whether True or False.
Kaizen also amends and upgrades product quality, communications, production competence and employee holding.
Ans : True
Ques : Which of these is an example of the prevention cost?
Ans : Quality planning
Ques : State whether True or False.
Lean is made of a lot of 'Kaizens' put together.
Ans : True
Ques : When different departments within an organization are compared, it is referred to as ___________.
Ans : internal benchmarking
Ques : State whether True or False.
A Kanban is a label or a card which is affixed on a container of a stock or lot and carries a message attached to it regarding the requirements needed in the workplace
Ans : True
Ques : Which of the following is not done by poka-yoke?
Ans : It signals and specifies a trait in a product or a process
Ques : Which among the following tools makes use of symbols?
Ans : Flowcharts
Ques : _________ means to clear the work area.
Ans : Shine
Ques : State whether True or False.
Just in Time Management believes in holding buffer stocks.
Ans : False
Ques : The data that does not need to be communicated in a Visual Factory environment are:
Ans : process metrics
Ques : Which of the following is also known as the hierarchy diagram?
Ans : Tree diagram
Ques : Kaizen is a tool applied in all _______ systems.
Ans : Lean
Ques : JIT manufacturing is best suited for regular and simple production systems because it is primarily a ___________ manufacturing process.
Ans : constant
Ques : The Shewhart Cycle has been used in Lean, TQM (Total Quality Management) and _______________.
Ans : Project Management Certification
Ques : Which among the following tools shows the 'critical path' of the 'critical' tasks; those tasks that must be completed on time to maintain the project's deadline?
Ans : PDPC
Ques : What does Kanban mean?
Ans : A card-signal
Ques : State whether True or False.
Process oriented thinking answers 'what' before 'how'.
Ans : True
Ques : How many wastes are identified by Lean?
Ans : 8
Ques :Which among the following tools is used for problem solving?
Ans : Cause and effect diagram
Ques : State whether True or False.
Kaizen is a function which when done correctly, modifies the workplace, reduces the three MU'S namely Muda, Muri and Mura and adds value to each system.
Ans : True
Ques : What are the key principles of all the Kaizen Models?
Ans : Quality, effort, willingness to change, involvement of all employees and communication
Ques : ________is a process that is followed by understanding the Voice of the Customer (VOC).
Ans : Quality Function Deployment
Ques : State whether True or False
Result oriented thinking is preferred in the West.
Ans : True
Ques : Which Kaizen model is also called Lean Production or Stockless production?
Ans : Just In Time Management
Ques : When the performance of the organization is compared to organizations in the same industry but which cater to different markets other than the organization's, it is known as _____.
Ans : functional benchmarking
Ques : ________are used as a graphic tool to display continuous occurrence of data values.
Ans : Histograms
Ques : What does SOP stand for?
Ans : Standard Operating Procedure
Ques : Which of the following are the features of a Lean enterprise?
Ans : No waiting time, no stocks, reduction in the processing time, line balancing
Ques : Which of the following techniques was created by Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita?
Ans : Affinity Diagrams
Ques : by whom was the word Lean coined?
Ans : Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers
Ques : State whether True or False.
'Poka Yoke' is the tools and methods used to prevent any defect during the production process.
Ans : True
Ques : State whether True or False.
A guide acts as a link between the top management and the lower level employees.
Ans : True
Ques : State whether True or False.
A check sheet is a diagrammatic representation of the nature and the flow of work in a process.
Ans : True
Ques : __________helps to locate the wastes in the value chain.
Ans : Value Stream Mapping
Ques : Which of the following cannot be considered a waste?
Ans : Skilled plant workers
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